
  • 520g Biscoff spread
  • 1⁄2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 128g coconut oil
  • 10 Lotus Biscoff biscuits


  1. Start by adding all your ingredients, apart from the biscuits, into a microwave proof bowl.
  2. Heat in the microwave for one minute and combine with a spatula until fully melted. Pour your fudge mix into the 20 X 20 silicone mould, transfer it in the fridge for 10 minutes, (just enough time to cool down the mix so is not too runny and your biscuits won’t float ending up just on the bottom of the fudge).
  3. Meanwhile break into small chunks the Lotus biscuits, remove the cooled fudge mix from the fridge and dig the biscuits into it evenly.
  4. Transfer your fudge in the fridge until set, this will take around 40 to 50 minutes. Once ready remove it from the mould, cut into bite size, and serve straight away or store in the freezer.