
  • 6 sheets leaf gelatine
  • 150 milliliters elderflower cordial
  • 50 grams caster sugar
  • 450 grams strawberries
  • Handful other mixed berries
  • 500 milliliters Prosecco, kept in fridge


  1. Pop the moulds/glasses in the fridge. Leave the gelatine to soak in cold water until soft.
  2. Put the cordial, sugar and 50 milliliters of water in a saucepan and heat gently until the sugar's melted. Add the strawberries and bring to the boil without stirring. Bubble until the strawberries are soft and then strain. Use the cooked strawberries for granola or whatever you like!
  3. When it's slightly cool, add the squeezed gelatine leaves and stir until completely melted.
  4. In whatever you're serving them in add a few berries. Open the Prosecco and quickly stir into the syrup. Pour over the fruit and chill overnight.