
Coconut Water Ice Lollies

How beautiful are these?


Coconut Water Ice Lollies

How beautiful are these?


  • 4 kiwis
  • 2 Mangoes
  • Ice Lolly Tray
  • 500 milliliters Coconut Water


  1. Peel kiwis & mangoes and slice into desired shape (I like to cut the kiwi into 1/4 centimeters thick round slices and cube mangos).
  2. Carefully place fruit into ice lolly mould, I used 4 slices of kiwi per mould (sticking them to the side to get the effect I want) and 5­-6 pieces of mango.
  3. Top mould with Coconut Water, about 80-­90 percent full. The water expands as it freezes so do not fill right to the top.
  4. Cover with lid and insert popsicle sticks to the are halfway into the coconut water.
  5. After 3 hours they should be fully set, but you can leave them longer to be sure. To make them extra pretty serve on a bed of ice and little flowers for your guests and enjoy!