
  • 2 x 500ml tubs ready-made chilled custard – look for one with real vanilla seeds
  • 500g white chocolate, melted
  • 1 Colin or Connie the caterpillars, sliced, keep one head
  • and one tail for decoration
  • 1 jar store-bought strawberry jam
  • 350g fresh strawberries, roughly chopped
  • 100ml Chambord
  • 300g tub double cream
  • 200ml tub crème fraîche
  • 25g icing sugar
  • 100g Smarties - pink ones only or any pink shelled candy
  • Sweets
  • 25g freeze-dried strawberries


  1. Melt the chocolate in a bain marie over a medium heat. Take off the heat and pour in the custard, mixing to combine. Cover with cling film and cool.
  2. Heat the strawberry jam slightly in a saucepan set over a low heat and add the roughly chopped strawberries. Set aside to cool completely.
  3. Arrange the cake slices in the base and sides of a trifle bowl. Sprinkle over the chambord - making sure the pieces of cake on the outside of the trifle dish gets sprinkled as well. Add 1/3 of the white chocolate custard to the trifle dish followed by ½ of the strawberries and jam, follow with a further ⅓ of the custard, then add a layer of cake, the remaining ⅓ of custard and the final ½ of the jam.
  4. In a bowl whisk the cream, creme fraiche and icing sugar together until soft peaks form. Spoon on top of the trifle. Place the reserved head and tail of Colin/Connie into the cream, and sprinkle with the pink Smarties/sweets and freeze-dried strawberries.