
  • 500 grams mixed berries
  • Zest and juice of 1/2 an orange
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 7/8 large slices white bread
  • Clotted cream - to serve


  1. Line a deep bowl with two layers of cling film.
  2. Heat the fruit with the sugar, orange zest and juice in a pan for 3 minutes until the berries have released they're gorgeous red juice.
  3. Strain them through a sieve and put aside.
  4. Cut bread into rectangles (leave crusts on) and one small square. One at a time dip into berry juice and line the pudding basin.
  5. Fill with the drained berries and top with one large dipped slice of bread.
  6. Pull cling film round and leave in fridge for 6 hours with a heavy book on top.
  7. Turn out on to a serving plate and dollop cream on each slice.